copyright, disclaimer and legal issues

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All elements on this website are © Felix Möckel. You may not reproduce the images on this website without my permission. Contact me before you use them! I don't take responsibility for the content of external websites to which I may link. Some of the images shown on this site may contain nudity or violence. If you are not allowed to view such content or if you feel offended by it, please leave. Feel free to link to my homepage. Get a banner here.

If you do not agree with these terms of use, please leave.

Critique and comments are always welcome.

Responsible for the content of

Felix Möckel
12167 Berlin

Contact Felix Möckel

You're browsing the disclaimer page at Felix Möckel's online portfolio, containing all legal information. The other pages in this portfolio contain 3d illustrations, various renderings (including architectural visualisations) and a photography gallery, focusing on portrait photographs. Felix Möckel, German 3d-Artist from Berlin, works as freelancer, doing 2d and 3d illustrations and visualizations, especially architectural visualizations.