about me

Who am I?

My name is Felix Möckel. I was born in Berlin, Germany, about 26 years ago. My "career" started at age 12, when I bought Deluxe Paint IV and developed a passion for pixel-click-painting, leading to tons of weird animations (usually featuring lots of robots. And laser beams.). I started dealing with 3d graphics in 1999 and became a slave to it within less than a month. It was about the time when I started getting more interested in photography and photo manipulation aswell.

In 2005 I started studying architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin.

I don't feel like listing my skills here. Let's say I'm pretty familiar with Cinema 4d, Photoshop and a couple of other applications I need. Just have a look at the galleries.
I did 3d graphics for some companies including Volkswagen and Behnisch Architects and David Chipperfield Architects, to name the biggest.
If you want me for a job let me know: info -AT- grafikzeug -DOT- de. Also check out my portfolio on iStockphoto. You can buy hundreds of my images and animations there ...

Cheers, Felix

You're browsing the about me page at Felix Möckel's online portfolio Here you'll find information on 3d artist Felix Möckel. Other pages contain his 3d illustrations, various renderings (including architectural visualisations) and a photography gallery, focusing on portrait photographs. Felix Möckel, German 3d-Artist from Berlin, works as freelancer, doing 2d and 3d illustrations and visualizations, especially architectural visualizations.