collages, designs and illustrations

scan face girl woman flat effect resolution gelb yellow 150dpi Dreck gelb yellow dirt art trash photoshop man male Mann face Gesicht Yellow Nähe und Ferne udk LN Near and far Photoshop photoshopenhauer amputation cut-off text grunge body körper dreck Schopenhauer Female body nude skinny breasts painting corel painter Body Painting sax saxophone abstract abstrakt music Musik painted Sax Painting drawing zeichnung gezeichnet gemalt drawn kunst kurs Drawing samples compositing gun, kiss girl tounge lick laser phaser gun Gun Kiss

In this section you'll find everything that was too post-processed to be called a photograph and all that's too painted to be called a rendering.

Click on a thumbnail on the left to watch the picture.

You're browsing the collage, illustration and design gallery at Felix Möckel's online portfolio These pages contain collages and designs, made of photography, paintings, drawings or 3d renderings. Everything in here is just too photoshopped or too composited to count as "pure" 3d or photography. Felix Möckel, German 3d-Artist from Berlin, works as freelancer, doing 2d and 3d illustrations and visualizations, especially architectural visualizations.